Conducting training to out of school beneficiaries for livelihood empowerment and developing business plan

The program has continued training of AGYW across all 18 districts within five regions on Income Generating Activity.
This is the continuation from the previous year where targeted out of school AGYW who fall under the age of 15-24 years.
Before started training of AGYW on IGA, there were some prior activities conducted so that to smooth the final training of AGYW and those activities described as follow; Since the training divided into two phases, phase 1 of IGA training conducted in November to December 2021 where the training focused out of school AGYW in only seven districts (Malinyi DC, Ulanga DC, Mlimba DC, Ifakara TC, Iramba DC, Geita DC and Chato DC) and were mainly targeted AGYW from TASAF households. s

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